Magic for Adults!
YOU WON’T BELIEVE YOUR EYES when you see Rich the Magician’s magical creations! Common objects do uncommon things in his hands–cards appear, turn over, change colors; ropes grow; money magically appears. And he reads your mind and lets you read his. He does mingling magic, going from group to group or table to table doing close-up sleight-of-hand magic right under people’s noses. He also does regular “magic shows,” entertaining larger audiences all at once.
Just how good is Rich the Magician? Well, he was the San Diego Marriott’s magician for two years, working mostly in their Sea Grill Restaurant. He has performed at three different Super Bowl Headquarters. He was the magician for Picnic People. Many companies and service clubs have booked him for holiday festivals and other events. Plus, of course, he has entertained at numerous parties, picnics, and weddings.
But what if you’re really smart? Can Rich still fool you? Absolutely! Rich performed for the Regional Gathering of Mensa, the organization for the highly intelligent. They were so impressed that they put him on the cover of Mensa’s international magazine!
And GET THIS! Rich is THREE-TIME WINNER of San Diego County’s “You Fooled Us!,” which is modeled after TV’s “Fool Us!” Rich totally baffled two magician judges with his stunning tricks…and he did this three years in a row! He is the only magician to have achieved this honor!
What have others said about Rich?
Baseball star Steve Garvey: “That was pretty amazing.”
Comedian Larry Himmel: “You are a very talented performer.”
Boxing hero Muhammed Ali: “Do that again!”
“You were certainly quite a hit!”
(Marilyn C.)
“Each guest loved the show as well as the individual attention you gave in order to ‘Wow’ them with your magic.”
(Kimberly S.)
“One employee in particular, who is familiar with a lot of magical tricks, commented on how
even he was stumped.”
(Michele R.)
Read more reviews on the REVIEWS page.
Invite Rich the Magician to your event! Call or text (619) 818-8163 or click the envelope below.